Insights & Discussion
Plums display anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties and can enhance memory, and their consumption shows potential health benefits for cognitive function, bones, and cardiovascular elements.
In this systematic review, the researchers explored the health effects of plums by analyzing articles from numerous databases in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The research spanned across in vitro studies, animal trials, and human clinical trials, and included studies relating to the Prunus species of plums. Their focus was on the potential influence of plums on disease risk factors and health outcomes. The study found 73 relevant peer-reviewed articles for the review, of which 25 were human studies.
The results of the study indicate that plums have antioxidant and anti-allergy properties. Consumption of plums is also related to improved cognitive functionality, better bone health measures, and reduced cardiovascular risk factors. The majority of human trials have used dried plums rather than fresh, which could potentially limit the translation of the findings into practical dietary advice. The evidence, while promising, is not yet extensively documented and requires further support for its claims.
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Plums, which are rich in bioactive compounds, antioxidants, and vitamins, can help maintain blood glucose level, bone health, heart health and even treat certain cancers.
2023 International Journal of Food Properties A comprehensive review on the availability of bioactive compounds, phytochemicals, and antioxidant potential of plum ( Prunus Domestica ) Ayub H, Nadeem M, Mohsin M, Ambreen S, Khan F, Oranab S, et al.
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The research explored the health benefits and medicinal effects of plums, a common fruit belonging to the Prunus genus. The study focused not only on their consumption as a food source but also their uses in beverages. Special attention was given to the polyphenolic compounds, bioactive compounds, and antioxidants inherent in plums, such as phenolic acids, anthocyanins, carotenoids, and various organic acids, alongside an array of necessary minerals and vitamins.
Apart from detailing traditional nutritional components, the study analyzed the unique constituents of plums like caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and other phenolic compounds which contribute to its antioxidant property. The broader health benefits provided by these compounds spanning bone health, cardiovascular health, blood glucose stabilization, and potential impacts on gastrointestinal diseases were studied, with a particular emphasis on their possible role in the prevention and treatment of heart disease and specific kinds of cancer: lung and oral. The role of plums' low fat and high dietary fibre content in heart disease prevention was of special focus.
Jujube nutrients may offer potential therapeutic benefits including antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory functions, and improving sleep quality and learning.
2022 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Wild Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa): A Review of Its Phytonutrients, Health Benefits, Metabolism, and Applications Hua Y, Xu X, Guo S, Xie H, Yan H, Ma X, et al.
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The methodology used for this study involves a comprehensive review of existing research about Wild jujube, giving particular focus on its phytonutrients, biological functions, metabolism of bioactive compounds, and applications. The study does not seem to detail a specific experimental procedure, but instead bases its conclusions on existing literature. Various parts of the wild jujube plant, such as the fruits, seeds and leaves, were examined for their potential role as food, medicine, or health care aids.
The results from the review suggest that the different parts of the wild jujube plant play many roles. The fruits have been noted for their antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, and as ingredients preventing aging. The mature seeds have been found to have potential beneficial effects on central nervous system diseases, particularly in the treatment of insomnia and the enhancement of learning and memory.
Plums, specifically European and Japanese species, exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may be used for the treatment and prevention of cancer.
2022 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Cancer protective effects of plums: A systematic review Bahrin AA, Moshawih S, Dhaliwal JS, Kanakal MM, Khan A, Lee KS, et al.
Systematic Review Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant Cancer
Methodology: The researchers conducted a systematic review of existing literature related to the effects of plums on cancer prevention and treatment. They used a variety of databases including Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed, Medxriv, and the Cochrane Library, considering studies published from the inception of each database till July 2021. The validity of the studies was checked using the CONSORT checklist tool for quality assessment. A total of 6639 studies were initially scrutinized, narrowing down to 54 relevant studies for in-depth review.
Discussion of Results: The analysis of the chosen studies revealed high antioxidant content in plum extracts. While the majority of the research supporting these findings were conducted in vitro, a smaller quantity of clinical studies involved in vivo testing. The promising results gathered from these studies suggest the potential of plums being used both for treatment and preventing cancer, especially due to their antioxidative properties.
The study shows the promising potential of Suan Zao Ren as a multi-effect traditional Chinese medicine derived from the seeds of Ziziphus Jujuba.
2020 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Botanical and Traditional Uses and Phytochemical, Pharmacological, Pharmacokinetic, and Toxicological Characteristics of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen: A Review Su-Rong He, Chong-Bo Zhao, Jing-Xia Zhang, Jing Wang, Bo Wu, Chun-Jie Wu, et al.
Systematic Review Anti-Ageing Anticancer Antioxidant
The methodology of the research was primarily a comprehensive literature review of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen (aka Suan Zao Ren). The team explored the botanical characteristics, traditional uses, pharmacology, and discovered compounds in the seeds of Ziziphus Jujuba.
In regards to the results of the review, more than 150 compounds were identified in Ziziphi Spinosae Semen. These compounds, which mainly include terpenoids, flavonoids and others, show various biological activities. It was found that the seeds are particularly prominent in having sedative and hypnotic effects. Other properties discovered include antitumor potential, improvement to learning and memory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, anti-aging, alongside lower blood pressure and lipid levels. Traditional usage of the seeds for the treatment of insomnia, forgetfulness, headaches and dizziness were confirmed by the review.
Cocoa and cocoa products, enriched with polyphenols, have potential health benefits including enhanced vascular function, cancer prevention, and improvement in learning and memory.
2019 Agricultural Reviews Health benefits of bioactive compounds from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) E S, Panjikkaran ST, L SC, R RP
Review Article Anti-Inflammatory Anticancer Antioxidant
The authors carried out an extensive review of the nutritional profile of cocoa beans, focusing on the high content of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, and minerals. Significantly, they pinpointed bioactive compounds, especially polyphenols (flavonoids and nonflavonoids), as key constituents, attributing to cocoa its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Emphasis was placed on the consumption of flavonoid-rich chocolates and its potential health benefits.
The findings of the research underscore multiple health benefits from cocoa's flavonoids. These include an improvement in peripheral vascular function and a suppression of molecular processes linked with cancer. Notably, the flavonoids have been observed to heighten insulin sensitivity and reduce oxidative damage. They also seem to concentrate in brain areas associated with learning and memory. These insights collectively support the integration of cocoa and its products as a part of a nutritious and balanced diet.
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