Acupuncture shows promise in treating postcholecystectomy syndrome.
Systematic Review Gallstones Postcholecystectomy Syndrome Postoperative Care
Acupuncture may offer relief for Postcholecystectomy Syndrome (PCS), as revealed by a systematic review and meta-analysis of 14 RCTs with 1593 participants. While acupuncture combined with conventional medicine didn't significantly reduce pain, it significantly lowered postoperative nausea and vomiting incidence and improved gastrointestinal recovery compared to conventional medicine alone. However, the study acknowledges the limitations of included RCTs, including small sample sizes and low methodological quality. Further high-quality trials conforming to standardized reporting are needed to validate these findings. Adverse events related to acupuncture were reported as mild and acceptable. Further research is crucial for definitive conclusions regarding acupuncture's efficacy for PCS.
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