Adding acupuncture to conventional therapy may decrease the subsequent endometriosis risk in female rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Endometriosis Period Pain & Endometriosis Rheumatoid Arthritis
Between 1998 and 2010, female subjects with RA were recruited from a nationwide database (5,736 patients; age ≥20 years). Enrolled patients included 2,407 acupuncture users and 2,407 nonusers randomly selected using propensity scores. The occurrence of endometriosis was recorded through the end of 2012. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate the adjusted hazard ratio (HR) associated with acupuncture use.
Results: During the follow-up period, 35 acupuncture users and 94 non-users developed endometriosis, with incidence rates of 2.36 and 4.91 per 1,000 person-years, respectively. Acupuncture use was associated with a 55% lower endometriosis risk. Those who received high intensity acupuncture (≥15 packages) had the greatest benefit.
The results of multivariable analysis demonstrated that the use of acupuncture was related to a significantly reduced risk of endometriosis. In the subgroup analysis, the medium- to high-level intensity acupuncture use was found to possibly lessen the risk of having endometriosis for more than 70%. We discovered that the post-rheumatoid arthritis acupuncture use would significantly reduce the risk of endometriosis in a dose-dependent manner.
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