Ginger, peppermint and caraway oil combination showed strong effectiveness in managing upper gastrointestinal complaints, with melatonin and marine alginate demonstrating moderate evidence.
Review Article Alginate Caraway GERD
The methodology consisted of a literature review of the scientific studies pertaining to nutritional ingredients for upper gastrointestinal relief. The selection was based on recurring mentions within the literature and frequent appearance in consumer products. A predefined search for specific nutritional ingredients and terms related to upper GI health was conducted in five databases - Embase, Medline, Derwent drug file, ToXfile, and PubMed. A manual search was also undertaken for each ingredient to ensure comprehensive review.
The studies that gained inclusion encompassed 16 human clinical trials assessing nine different ingredients. The products investigated were divided into categories, including botanicals - with sub-categories of fiber and combinations, and non-botanical extracts. Several products demonstrated good potential, others showed promising but moderate results, while some had limited support from the scientific research.
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