Acupuncture has shown promise as a complementary approach in treating chronic abdominal pain, providing symptom relief and improving quality of life.
Review Article Abdominal Pain Inflammatory Bowel Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome
The methodology revolves around applying acupuncture, a form of integrative medicine from traditional Chinese medicine, to patients suffering from chronic abdominal pain. This pain is defined as having three severe abdominal pain instances over three months, often caused by chronic acute pain or chronic pain syndromes, primarily IBS and IBD. Despite existing treatments, these often fail to control the symptoms completely, leaving room for complementary methods like acupuncture. This practice is based on rebalancing a patient's Qi, or Ying/Yang balance, previously shown effective in treating various conditions.
The results reveal that acupuncture can serve as a crucial adjunct in managing chronic abdominal pain. It is not a cure, but it significantly aids in symptom reduction and quality of life improvement. Particularly for those affected by IBS and IBD, acupuncture offers extra relief from lingering symptoms, thereby improving quality of life, decreasing disability, and potentially contributing to healthcare cost savings. Acupuncture has emerged as a safe, inexpensive, and beneficial approach for selected patients suffering from chronic abdominal pain.
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