Acupuncture, moxibustion, and laser acupuncture are effective as conservative therapies for the treatment of De Quervain's Stenosing Tenosynovitis.
Systematic Review De Quervains Tenosynovitis
A total of 51 studies, consisting of 28 case reports and 23 RCTs, were selected and analyzed according to the research methods defined in this paper.
The most common treatments used in the 51 studies were Acupuncture (60.78%) followed by Acupotomy (13.73%), Pharmacopuncture (9.8%), Moxibustion (7.84%) and Laser acupuncture (7.84%). The most commonly used acupoints for acupuncture treatment of DQST were Ashi points and acupoints, such as LI05, LI11, LI04, LI10 and LI06 in the Large Intestine Meridian.
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