Black pepper, particularly the piperine it contains, enhances the absorption of iron, potentially improving athletic performance in endurance sports.
Review Article Black Pepper Iron
This study examined the joint administration of Iron (Fe) and black pepper, more specifically its alkaloid piperine, to physically active healthy individuals. Iron is an important micronutrient that aids performance in endurance sports by enhancing the physiological functions related to the transport, storage, and utilization of oxygen. The frequent physical stress and high metabolism experienced by athletes can lead to iron depletion, with possible consequences including reduced aerobic capacity, strength, and slower muscle recovery. While the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of iron is usually fulfilled through diet, absorption rates vary and may be insufficient for some individuals.
The combination of piperine and iron supplementation was investigated as a potential strategy to address iron deficiencies, especially among athletes who may experience adverse effects from high-dose iron supplements, such as gastrointestinal disturbances. The concept underlying this study was that piperine, known for its bioavailability enhancement properties, may improve the absorption of iron, thereby reducing side effects and improving treatment adherence.
The results, derived from three research studies, revealed that the combined usage of iron with black pepper led to observed improvements in parameters related to iron metabolism without causing any adverse effects. By potentially boosting the efficiency of iron absorption, co-administration may offer a promising development in oral iron supplementation practices, particularly for individuals with greater physical activity.
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