Carrot's bioactive compounds can regulate immune response, reduce oxidative stress, and prevent damaging oxidative destruction, making it a potential preventive tool for various diseases.
Review Article Anti-Inflammatory Carotene Carrot
In this literature review, mechanisms were proposed for how the antioxidant properties of carrot’s β-carotene and other bioactive compounds, such as phenolic acid, flavonoid, polyacetylene, and ascorbic acid could modulate the immune system. These proposals were centered around three main paths: anti-inflammatory response modulation, antioxidant response modulation, and overall immune response modulation (which involves both innate and adaptive responses).
In the discussion of results, it was revealed that the bioactive compounds in carrots have the ability to regulate pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and are also capable of reducing oxidative stress. This was shown by the decrease in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and an increase in antioxidant capacity, which collaboratively helps to minimize destructive oxidative destruction. Additionally, these compounds influenced immune components, specifically via the regulation of leukocytes, antigens, immunoglobulins, and histamine levels. As a result, carrots were defined as a functional food source capable of immune modulation and potential prevention and treatment for a range of diseases.
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