The underutilized pomegranate peel, full of abundant bioactive substances, could be repurposed for its potential health benefits like anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, cardiovascular protection, and antibacterial activities.
Review Article Anti-Inflammatory Antibacterial Anticancer
This paper conducts a miniature review of the characterization and physiological functions of the key bioactive compounds present in pomegranate peel. The exploration underscores the main phenolic compounds in the peel, illustrating substances such as tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, dietary fibers, alkaloids, minerals, and vitamins. A deep understanding of these components and their potential benefits is vital to the study and future applications.
The research finds that these core components essentially function as antioxidants, either enhancing oxidative biomarkers or proactively neutralizing reactive oxygen species. By establishing these key functions, it essentially links these activities to a broader context of benefits, including but not limited to anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, cardiovascular protection, and antibacterial attributes, thereby indicating a potential for substantial health benefits. With comprehensive understanding and appropriate application of these substances, the pomegranate peels, often classified as waste, could find a new life as robust health-enhancing elements.
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