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2021 Complementary Therapies in Medicine
Experimental Study Gan Cao Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Jujube Licorice Menopause
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are research studies that involve people and are conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treatments or interventions, such as drugs, medical devices, or behavioural therapies.
Study Protocols
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Presentation Slides
Chinese Medicine Research Hub
Experimental Study
The Licorice and Jujube formula is seen as commonly used and potentially effective for treating menopausal symptoms as per classical Chinese medicine.
2021 Complementary Therapies in Medicine Licorice (Glycyrrhiza spp.) and jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) formula for menopausal symptoms: Classical records, clinical evidence and experimental data
Coyle ME, Liu J, Yang H, Wang K, Zhang AL, Guo X, Lu C, Xue CC
Executive Summary
Write an executive summary in the form of a blog article on the topic of "Research into Chinese medicine treatment for Gan Cao Da Zao Tang" summarising the research below and using language that can be easily understood by patients and avoiding medical jargon using a professional and caring tone of voice.
Write an executive summary in the form of a blog article on the topic of "Researched Chinese medicine treatments for Gan Cao Da Zao Tang" summarising the research below in an objective and easy to understand way, and using language that can be easily understood by patients. Group the article into Chinese medicine treatments first, followed by nutrition and other treatments. Avoid using medical jargon and use a professional and caring tone of voice.
Write me a concise but easy to understand executive summary on the topic of "Chinese medicine treatments for Gan Cao Da Zao Tang" based on the following research that I will give you. Your summary should be 2 paragraphs long in Australian English spelling and include references to the studies.
A Experimental Study published in 2021 in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that The Licorice and Jujube formula is seen as commonly used and potentially effective for treating menopausal symptoms as per classical Chinese medicine. The methodology of this study involved exploring classical Chinese medicine textbooks to find the most frequent herbal mix used for symptoms similar to menopause. The approach taken was to sort and identify the formulas from the Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a comprehensive resource in this field. Following this, a thorough review of randomized controlled trials was performed in order to determine the efficacy of the most common formula.
In terms of results, it was discovered that the Licorice and Jujube formula (LJF) was the most commonly found, mentioned in 36% of the analyzed references. The review of controlled trials revealed that the LJF might be effectively utilized for the improvement of sleep-related symptoms. Additionally, experimental studies hinted at potential benefits of the LJF, including sedative, antidepressant-like, estrogenic, and antiprogestogenic effects.