Traditional Chinese Medicine, specifically acupuncture, demonstrates promising effects in managing allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis and asthma.
Review Article Eczema Hay Fever
The methodology for this paper involved an extensive review of recent publications, predominantly those presenting randomized controlled trials, that assess the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in treating allergies. The focus was on the two most popular treatment modalities in TCM, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. Publications detailing the mechanisms by which TCM impacts allergic diseases, as well as literature in Chinese, were also examined.
The analysis of the results showed an increasing trend of using TCM, specifically Chinese herbal medicine, to manage allergic diseases. However, literature evidence was found lacking to conclusively establish its effectiveness. On the other hand, acupuncture showed more definitive evidence of its utility, especially when treating allergic rhinitis and asthma, either as a standalone intervention or alongside conventional western medication. Its effectiveness in treating atopic eczema and urticaria was less clear, nonetheless, it's recommended to be incorporated into the treatment of specific allergic diseases on a personalized basis.
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—Matthew G 14 Dec 2023