Insights & Discussion
Acupuncture has shown to be potentially beneficial as an alternate or adjunct therapy for patients with Bell's palsy following recovery from COVID-19.
In the methodology utilized for this research, an extensive literature search was carried out by two independent investigators. They used multiple sources including PubMed, MEDLINE, Google scholar, LILACS, and the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials, from the year 2000 up until 2021. They used the keywords: Bell’s Palsy, covid-19, acupuncture, Mucormycosis, vaccine, and steroids. Selected articles were only those published in English and included full-text. The studies included in the review were all randomized controlled trials which compared acupuncture intervention's clinical effects (used alone or add on) with no treatment.
In terms of results, although the methodological quality of most studies was considered generally low, six randomized controlled trials were found to be satisfactory and included in the study. According to the results across these studies, the groups who received acupuncture treatment reported improved outcomes compared to their baseline or control groups. This was evident as no negative side effects were reported. The review therefore indicates that acupuncture could play a beneficial role in treating patients with Bell's palsy post-recovery from COVID-19, particularly those at risk of mucormycosis and other severe health complications.
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