Insights & Discussion
Coffee and decaffeinated coffee appear to provide long-term protection against developing type 2 diabetes, potentially due to the influence of chlorogenic acids.
This research observes a considerable protective effect of coffee and decaffeinated coffee over the long term against the onset of type 2 diabetes, discovered through epidemiological studies. A complex mechanism associated with chlorogenic acids is proposed, with the theory examining their potential impact on blood sugar levels. Interestingly, the effects of decaffeinated coffee on post-meal blood sugar and insulin, if consumed with carbohydrates, is minimal, although these substances might be impacting incretin hormones.
The potential effects of chlorogenic acids are examined from the perspective of not directly affecting carbohydrates digestion, but perhaps influencing glucose absorption and subsequent utilisation. Different factors, such as metabolites derived from endogenous pathways or the influence of the gut microbiota, are considered. The study proposes a need for chronic intervention studies on decaffeinated coffee, in sync with more focused in vitro studies using realistic concentrations of relevant chlorogenic acid metabolites, to further understand this protective property of coffee.
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