Insights & Discussion
Curcumin, a component of Indian spice turmeric, presents a potential natural treatment for depression, influencing neurotransmitters and protecting against several biological systems compromised in depression.
The research methodology involved an extensive review of the varying influences and effects of curcumin on systems implicated in depression. These included neurotransmitter systems like serotonin and dopamine which are critical to mood regulation. The study also explored the effects of curcumin on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal disturbances, famously associated with stress response and mood disorders.
In terms of results, curcumin demonstrated promising potential as an antidepressant in animal models of depression. Additionally, it was found to help moderate damage to neurological systems and intestinal permeability, both of which are often compromised in major depressive disorders. It also exhibited properties that could help lower inflammation and protect against oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage. Together, these findings position curcumin as a promising natural treatment for depression.
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Carrot's bioactive compounds can regulate immune response, reduce oxidative stress, and prevent damaging oxidative destruction, making it a potential preventive tool for various diseases.
2022 Journal of Functional Foods Critical review on the immunomodulatory activities of carrot’s β-carotene and other bioactive compounds Anjani G, Ayustaningwarno F, Eviana R
Review Article Anti-Inflammatory Carotene Carrot
In this literature review, mechanisms were proposed for how the antioxidant properties of carrot’s β-carotene and other bioactive compounds, such as phenolic acid, flavonoid, polyacetylene, and ascorbic acid could modulate the immune system. These proposals were centered around three main paths: anti-inflammatory response modulation, antioxidant response modulation, and overall immune response modulation (which involves both innate and adaptive responses).
In the discussion of results, it was revealed that the bioactive compounds in carrots have the ability to regulate pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and are also capable of reducing oxidative stress. This was shown by the decrease in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and an increase in antioxidant capacity, which collaboratively helps to minimize destructive oxidative destruction. Additionally, these compounds influenced immune components, specifically via the regulation of leukocytes, antigens, immunoglobulins, and histamine levels. As a result, carrots were defined as a functional food source capable of immune modulation and potential prevention and treatment for a range of diseases.
The combined use of chamomile and saffron with usual medication enhances the efficacy against depression and ensures long term improvement.
2022 Heliyon A randomized clinical trial to test efficacy of chamomile and saffron for neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory responses in depressive patients Ahmad S, Azhar A, Tikmani P, Rafique H, Khan A, Mesiya H, et al.
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This research was a randomized, open, blinded trial with 120 participants split evenly into a test and control group. After consent was obtained, a patient health questionnaire was filled out to determine depression scores. Participants in the test group received herbal tea sachets, containing 20 mg of chamomile and 1 mg of saffron, twice per day for a month in addition to their regular medications. Control group participants only received their standard allopathic medicine. Blood samples were taken both before and after the treatment period.
The test showed significant improvement in depressive symptoms for both groups. However, in the test group, the addition of the herbal teas amplified the effect of the medications. The herbal adjuvant therapy reduced inflammatory markers and tryptophan levels in plasma, which increased the availability of tryptophan in the brain, a key aspect in managing depression. Consequently, the research concluded that inclusion of these herbs enhances the effectiveness of the conventional treatment against depression and provides long term benefits.
Green tea, coffee, wine, and curry have beneficial health effects due to the polyphenols they contain, which possess both antioxidant and pro-oxidant properties.
2021 Molecules The Beneficial Effects of Principal Polyphenols from Green Tea, Coffee, Wine, and Curry on Obesity Ohishi T, Fukutomi R, Shoji Y, Goto S, Isemura M
Review Article Anti-Diabetic Anticancer Antioxidant
The research leverages epidemiological studies, clinical trials, cell-based studies and animal tests to examine the effects of green tea, coffee, wine, and curry -- and their key polyphenols -- on human health. The polyphenols investigated include epigallocatechin gallate in green tea, chlorogenic acid in coffee, resveratrol in wine, and curcumin in curry. The study concentrates on the workings of these polyphenols, primarily focusing on reactive oxygen species (ROS), and how they perform both anti- and pro-oxidant functions, fundamentally influencing different enzymes and factors with health contributions.
In the discussion of the results, it is mentioned that the anti-oxidative actions of these polyphenols assist in the scavenging of ROS and the downregulation of the nuclear factor-κB, yielding beneficial anti-inflammatory effects. Conversely, their pro-oxidant actions appear to elevate ROS production, encouraging the activation of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase that regulates different enzymes and factors for health improvement. However, the exact mechanism of how these polyphenols exhibit either pro- or anti-oxidant effects remains unclear. Also, the research underscores that while many studies note their health benefits, some others show no positive effects on health conditions such as obesity, suggesting that outcomes could be influenced by various study factors.
Green tea polyphenols can potentially protect against neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's Disease through antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective actions.
2020 Molecules Neuroprotective Properties of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) in Parkinson’s Disease: A Review Malar DS, Prasanth MI, Brimson JM, Sharika R, Sivamaruthi BS, Chaiyasut C, et al.
Review Article Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant Green Tea
The study synthesized existing research on the potential neuroprotective benefits of green tea polyphenols, particularly in Parkinson's disease. The papers highlighted were drawn from numerous sources and focused on the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective attributes of these compounds. Green tea's potential protection against free radicals, inflammation, and neuro-damage were considerable points of interest. The analysis also took into account the complex physiological, social, and cultural factors that could influence the effectiveness of green tea polyphenols in human subjects.
Through the evaluation of numerous in vivo studies, researchers came to intriguing conclusions about the overall mechanism of green tea. The studies assessed explored how green tea consumption could mitigate neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's. In these analyses, investigators refined their understanding of how green tea and its polyphenols function from a neuroprotective standpoint. This information helps us better understand the advantages of green tea consumption and its potential role in preventing neurodegeneration.
Recent phytochemical studies of jujube fruits have shed some light on their biological effects, such as the anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiobesity, immunostimulating, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, and gastrointestinal protective activities and inhibition of foam cell formation in macrophages.
2013 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry The jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) fruit: a review of current knowledge of fruit composition and health benefits Gao QH, Wu CS, Wang M.
Review Article Anti-Inflammatory Anticancer Digestive Health
The nutritional jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) fruit belonging to the Rhamnaceous family grows mostly in Europe, southern and eastern Asia, and Australia, especially the inland region of northern China. Jujube has a long history of usage as a fruit and remedy. The main biologically active components are vitamin C, phenolics, flavonoids, triterpenic acids, and polysaccharides. Recent phytochemical studies of jujube fruits have shed some light on their biological effects, such as the anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiobesity, immunostimulating, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, and gastrointestinal protective activities and inhibition of foam cell formation in macrophages. A stronger focus on clinical studies and phytochemical definition of jujube fruits will be essential for future research efforts. This review may be useful for predicting other medicinal uses and potential drug or food interactions and may be beneficial for people living where the jujube fruits are prevalent and health care resources are scarce.
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