Insights & Discussion
Bioactive compounds found in avocado waste products exhibit various biological properties, with potential applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
In this study, we delved into the archived scientific research concerning bioactive compounds and their sources, particularly focusing on avocado waste products such as leaves, peels, and seeds. We identified the primary compounds found in these parts to include carotenoids, tocopherols, phytosterols and a group of natural organic structures known as polyphenols.
In the results discussion, we found that the compounds discovered in avocado waste products have credible biological activities that have distinct health implications. The wastes extracts demonstrated antimicrobial properties, along with anti-inflammatory characteristics. Additionally, they showed potential anticancer, antidiabetic and antihypertensive capabilities. These findings infer that the bioactive compounds from avocado wastes may be successfully used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
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