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Consuming soymilk-honey fermented with a specific type of probiotic significantly reduces osteocalcin levels, which may impact bone health in postmenopausal women.
The researchers conducted a 90-day pre-post quasi-experimental study with control design on 54 postmenopausal women who were divided into three groups. The first group consumed regular soymilk, the second group consumed soymilk-honey fermented with a specific sub species of probiotics, and the third group consumed soymilk-honey fermented with a different type of probiotics. Each participant consumed 100 mL of their respective drink per day for 90 days. Measurements of blood serum osteocalcin were taken at the start and end of the study, alongside assessments of each participant's overall health status, including total cholesterol, blood glucose, and uric acid levels.
In terms of results, it was observed that the group consuming the soymilk-honey fermented with the particular probiotic showed a significant decrease in their osteocalcin levels after the 90-day period. This indicates that this specific fermented soymilk-honey beverage might have a positive impact on bone health in postmenopausal women.
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Extract of pumpkin seeds displays estrogenic properties, potentially offering a solution to alleviate symptoms of menopausal syndromes resulting from estrogen deficiency.
2019 Phytotherapy Research Supplementation with extract of pumpkin seeds exerts estrogenic effects upon the uterine, serum lipids, mammary glands, and bone density in ovariectomized rats Lestari B, Walidah Z, Utomo RY, Murwanti R, Meiyanto E
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Hop extract, particularly its component 8-Prenylnaringenin (8-PN), demonstrates potential in alleviating symptoms common in menopause such as osteoporosis, vasomotoric disturbances, and sexual motivation.
2013 Neuropediatrics Hop Extracts and Hop Substances in Treatment of Menopausal Complaints Keiler A, Zierau O, Kretzschmar G
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In the discussion of the results, it was found that hop extract, and more prominently, 8-PN, show promise in alleviating menopausal symptoms such as osteoporosis, vasomotoric issues, and sexual desire. Although 8-PN primarily activates the estrogen receptor α and presents only slight uterotrophic attributes, it also brings about estrogenic effects on the mammary gland. The results indicate potential application of 8-PN and hop extract in alleviating symptoms commonly associated with menopause.
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