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Published research studies are articles that present the findings of original research that has undergone a peer-review process and has been made publicly available in scholarly journals, books or other media.

Green Tea and Benign Gynecologic Disorders: A New Trick for An Old Beverage?
2023 Mar 16 Nutrients Hazimeh D, Massoud G, Parish M, Singh B, Segars J, Islam MS
Review Article Green Tea EGCG Period PainGreen tea helps alleviate symptoms in multiple benign gynecological disorders, primarily due to a compound called Epigallocatechin-3-gallate.

The Multiple Pharmacologic Functions and Mechanisms of Action of Guizhi Fuling Formulation
2022 Apr 29 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Gao J, Yang J, Lu Z, Dong X, Xu Y
This review suggests that Guizhi Fuling Formulation (GZFL) displays promising therapeutic effects for many kinds of diseases, which have been beyond the scope of the original prescription for gynecologic diseases.
Review Article PCOS Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Dysmenorrhea Caused by Endometriosis: A Review of Utilization and Mechanism
2021 Jul 02 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guo Y, Liu FY, Shen Y, Xu JY, Xie LZ, Li SY, et al.
There are increasing CAM therapies for secondary dysmenorrhea caused by EM, including herbs, acupuncture, and CHM enema. CAM therapies have been widely utilized because their curative effect is well accepted. These therapies can relieve pain, reduce the recurrence rate, and improve quality of life; however, they cannot fully eradicate the endometriotic lesions. In summary, the active principle of CAM therapies has a strong scientific foundation, and researchers have shown increased interest in this area of medical treatment.
Review Article Endometriosis
Leonurine, a potential drug for the treatment of cardiovascular system and central nervous system diseases
2020 Dec 10 Brain and Behavior Huang L, Xu DQ, Chen YY, Yue SJ, Tang YP
At present, leonurine is in clinical trial, and it is hoped that our summary will help to provide guidance for its future research on the basic science and clinical application.
Review Article Cardiovascular Disease Neurological Disorders
Effects of Electroacupuncture Administered 24 hours Prior to Surgery on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting and Pain in Patients Undergoing Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery: A Feasibility Study
2017 Sep Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing Li S, Zheng M, Wu W, Guo J, Ji F, Zheng Z
In a randomized controlled trial with 40 patients, EA was delivered at bilateral neiguan (PC6) and zusanli (ST36) points within 24 hours prior to surgery. The EA group exhibited a lower incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in the first six hours compared to the usual care (UC) group. Postoperative pain was significantly lower in the EA group at six hours postoperative, and the EA group had a shorter time to pass the first flatus compared to the UC group. Adverse effects of EA were minor and well-tolerated. The study suggests that one-session preoperative EA is feasible, safe, and may reduce postoperative pain and accelerate gastrointestinal motility.
Randomised Controlled Trial Vomiting ElectroacupunctureResearch insights are moderated by the Research Hub team and offer an at-a-glance overview of interesting research findings.

2023 Nutrients
Green tea helps alleviate symptoms in multiple benign gynecological disorders, primarily due to a compound called Epigallocatechin-3-gallate.
Review Article EGCG Green Tea Period Pain
Green Tea and Benign Gynecologic Disorders: A New Trick for An Old Beverage?
Hazimeh D, Massoud G, Parish M, Singh B, Segars J, Islam MS

2013 Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture's efficacy in treating gynecologic and obstetric disorders
Systematic Review Pregnancy
Efficacy and Safety of Needle Acupuncture for Treating Gynecologic and Obstetric Disorders: An Overview
Selva Olid A, Martinez Zapata MJ, Sola I, Stojanovic Z, Uriona Tuma SM, Bonfill Cosp X.
Review Articles
Review articles summarise and critically evaluate the current state of research on a specific topic or field by synthesising multiple primary research studies.

Green Tea and Benign Gynecologic Disorders: A New Trick for An Old Beverage?
2023 Mar 16 Nutrients Hazimeh D, Massoud G, Parish M, Singh B, Segars J, Islam MS
Review Article Green Tea EGCG Period PainGreen tea helps alleviate symptoms in multiple benign gynecological disorders, primarily due to a compound called Epigallocatechin-3-gallate.

The Multiple Pharmacologic Functions and Mechanisms of Action of Guizhi Fuling Formulation
2022 Apr 29 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Gao J, Yang J, Lu Z, Dong X, Xu Y
This review suggests that Guizhi Fuling Formulation (GZFL) displays promising therapeutic effects for many kinds of diseases, which have been beyond the scope of the original prescription for gynecologic diseases.
Review Article PCOS Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Dysmenorrhea Caused by Endometriosis: A Review of Utilization and Mechanism
2021 Jul 02 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guo Y, Liu FY, Shen Y, Xu JY, Xie LZ, Li SY, et al.
There are increasing CAM therapies for secondary dysmenorrhea caused by EM, including herbs, acupuncture, and CHM enema. CAM therapies have been widely utilized because their curative effect is well accepted. These therapies can relieve pain, reduce the recurrence rate, and improve quality of life; however, they cannot fully eradicate the endometriotic lesions. In summary, the active principle of CAM therapies has a strong scientific foundation, and researchers have shown increased interest in this area of medical treatment.
Review Article Endometriosis
Leonurine, a potential drug for the treatment of cardiovascular system and central nervous system diseases
2020 Dec 10 Brain and Behavior Huang L, Xu DQ, Chen YY, Yue SJ, Tang YP
At present, leonurine is in clinical trial, and it is hoped that our summary will help to provide guidance for its future research on the basic science and clinical application.
Review Article Cardiovascular Disease Neurological Disorders
Efficacy and Safety of Needle Acupuncture for Treating Gynecologic and Obstetric Disorders: An Overview
2013 Dec Medical Acupuncture Selva Olid A, Martinez Zapata MJ, Sola I, Stojanovic Z, Uriona Tuma SM, Bonfill Cosp X.
Systematic Review Randomised Controlled Trial PregnancyAcupuncture's efficacy in treating gynecologic and obstetric disorders
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are research studies that involve people and are conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treatments or interventions, such as drugs, medical devices, or behavioural therapies.

Effects of Electroacupuncture Administered 24 hours Prior to Surgery on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting and Pain in Patients Undergoing Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery: A Feasibility Study
2017 Sep Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing Li S, Zheng M, Wu W, Guo J, Ji F, Zheng Z
In a randomized controlled trial with 40 patients, EA was delivered at bilateral neiguan (PC6) and zusanli (ST36) points within 24 hours prior to surgery. The EA group exhibited a lower incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in the first six hours compared to the usual care (UC) group. Postoperative pain was significantly lower in the EA group at six hours postoperative, and the EA group had a shorter time to pass the first flatus compared to the UC group. Adverse effects of EA were minor and well-tolerated. The study suggests that one-session preoperative EA is feasible, safe, and may reduce postoperative pain and accelerate gastrointestinal motility.
Randomised Controlled Trial Vomiting Electroacupuncture
Effects of Korean red ginseng (Panax Ginseng Meyer) on bisphenol A exposure and gynecologic complaints: single blind, randomized clinical trial of efficacy and safety
2014 Jul 25 BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies Yang M, Lee HS, Hwang MW, Jin M
KRG consumption decreased urinary BPA and oxidative stress levels and improved aspects of female quality of life such as menstrual irregularity, menstrual pain, and constipation. Specifically, individuals with the SoEum type (Lesser Yin person) showed significant improvements in insomnia, flushing, perspiration, and appetite.
Randomised Controlled Trial Constipation BPA Period Pain Gynecologic Korean Red Ginseng
Efficacy and Safety of Needle Acupuncture for Treating Gynecologic and Obstetric Disorders: An Overview
2013 Dec Medical Acupuncture Selva Olid A, Martinez Zapata MJ, Sola I, Stojanovic Z, Uriona Tuma SM, Bonfill Cosp X.
Systematic Review Randomised Controlled Trial PregnancyAcupuncture's efficacy in treating gynecologic and obstetric disorders
Study Protocols
Published study protocols are detailed plans that outline the objectives, methodology, statistical analyses, and organisation of a research study that have been made publicly available for others to review and use as a reference.
Presentation Slides

Review Article
Green tea helps alleviate symptoms in multiple benign gynecological disorders, primarily due to a compound called Epigallocatechin-3-gallate.
Hazimeh D, Massoud G, Parish M, Singh B, Segars J, Islam MS

Systematic Review
Acupuncture's efficacy in treating gynecologic and obstetric disorders
Selva Olid A, Martinez Zapata MJ, Sola I, Stojanovic Z, Uriona Tuma SM, Bonfill Cosp X.
Executive Summary
Write an executive summary in the form of a blog article on the topic of "Research into Chinese medicine treatment for Gynecologic" summarising the research below and using language that can be easily understood by patients and avoiding medical jargon using a professional and caring tone of voice.
Write an executive summary in the form of a blog article on the topic of "Researched Chinese medicine treatments for Gynecologic" summarising the research below in an objective and easy to understand way, and using language that can be easily understood by patients. Group the article into Chinese medicine treatments first, followed by nutrition and other treatments. Avoid using medical jargon and use a professional and caring tone of voice.
Write me a concise but easy to understand executive summary on the topic of "Chinese medicine treatments for Gynecologic" based on the following research that I will give you. Your summary should be 2 paragraphs long in Australian English spelling and include references to the studies.
A Review Article published in 2023 in the journal Nutrients found that Green tea helps alleviate symptoms in multiple benign gynecological disorders, primarily due to a compound called Epigallocatechin-3-gallate. The paper reviews the role of the compound Epigallocatechin-3-gallate found in green tea, and its effects on various benign gynecological conditions. The compound is noted for its antioxidant and prooxidant qualities, allowing it to interact with multiple cellular pathways that are crucial for disease pathogenesis. The studied conditions include uterine fibroids, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, adenomyosis, menopause, and polycystic ovary syndrome. The research accounts for the specific mechanisms through which the compound might affect each condition, such as anti-fibrotic, anti-angiogenic, and pro-apoptotic mechanisms. The results suggest that green tea consumption can lead to improved symptom management in these disorders. It was found to lessen the intensity of symptoms associated with uterine fibroids and endometriosis, by invoking anti-fibrotic, anti-angiogenic, and pro-apoptotic mechanisms. It also helped manage pain linked with dysmenorrhea and adenomyosis through reducing uterine contractility and widely felt pain. Additionally, it showed efficacy in weight and osteoporosis control during menopause, and showed potential benefits in managing polycystic ovary syndrome. However, claims regarding its influence on fertility were deemed controversial.
A Systematic Review published in 2013 in the journal Medical Acupuncture found that Acupuncture's efficacy in treating gynecologic and obstetric disorders This comprehensive review evaluates acupuncture's efficacy and safety in treating gynecologic and obstetric disorders. Examining systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials, the study addresses conditions like pregnancy-related pelvic and low-back pain, labor pain, primary dysmenorrhea, and menopausal symptoms. The results are inconclusive, with some evidence supporting acupuncture's potential in reducing pelvic and back pain during pregnancy and alleviating climacteric vasomotor symptoms. However, more rigorous research is necessary for definitive conclusions. Adverse effects were minimal. The review emphasizes the need for well-designed studies to enhance the precision and reliability of findings regarding acupuncture's therapeutic benefits in these disorders.
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