Insights & Discussion
The pomegranate plant has a rich inventory of phytochemical constituents showing pharmacological efficiency in treating cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.
The researchers set out to review both traditional and scientific applications of P. granatum focusing on its phytochemical content and potential for aiding in drug development. They gathered relevant information through both classic herbal literature and electronic databases, which included renowned platforms such as PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect.
The culmination of traditional and contemporary research showed an array of phytochemical constituents in P. granatum, including polyphenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanosides, alkaloids, lignans, and triterpenes. Randomized controlled trials indicated these constituents demonstrate pharmacological activity, particularly against diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, oral cavity disorders, endocrine disorders, and even cancer. The review, therefore, not only points to the traditional uses of P. granatum but underscores their validation through scientific support.
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