Insights & Discussion
Green tea extract could be considered a potential agent to attenuate PCOS complications mainly due to its effect on weight loss and glycemic levels.
Current evidence indicates that green tea extract (GTE) supplementation has potential beneficial effects on PCOS. Of 314 articles found in the search, four human studies and four animal studies were included. All studies in humans showed the effects of GTE on weight loss. GTE's effect on decreasing testosterone levels in humans and LH levels in animals were also reported. In addition, increases in FSH and progesterone levels in animal models were observed. Although GTE improved fasting blood sugar and insulin levels, the effect of GTE on inflammatory parameters, such as TNF-alpha and IL-6 and antioxidant status, was limited to animal studies.
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Green tea helps alleviate symptoms in multiple benign gynecological disorders, primarily due to a compound called Epigallocatechin-3-gallate.
2023 Nutrients Green Tea and Benign Gynecologic Disorders: A New Trick for An Old Beverage? Hazimeh D, Massoud G, Parish M, Singh B, Segars J, Islam MS
Review Article Adenomyosis EGCG Endometriosis
The paper reviews the role of the compound Epigallocatechin-3-gallate found in green tea, and its effects on various benign gynecological conditions. The compound is noted for its antioxidant and prooxidant qualities, allowing it to interact with multiple cellular pathways that are crucial for disease pathogenesis. The studied conditions include uterine fibroids, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, adenomyosis, menopause, and polycystic ovary syndrome. The research accounts for the specific mechanisms through which the compound might affect each condition, such as anti-fibrotic, anti-angiogenic, and pro-apoptotic mechanisms.
The results suggest that green tea consumption can lead to improved symptom management in these disorders. It was found to lessen the intensity of symptoms associated with uterine fibroids and endometriosis, by invoking anti-fibrotic, anti-angiogenic, and pro-apoptotic mechanisms. It also helped manage pain linked with dysmenorrhea and adenomyosis through reducing uterine contractility and widely felt pain. Additionally, it showed efficacy in weight and osteoporosis control during menopause, and showed potential benefits in managing polycystic ovary syndrome. However, claims regarding its influence on fertility were deemed controversial.
Green tea supplementation can significantly reduce body weight in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, hence potentially beneficial in its clinical management.
2022 Nutrition Research Green tea promotes weight loss in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: Systematic review and meta-analysis Colonetti L, Grande AJ, Toreti IR, Ceretta LB, da Rosa MI, Colonetti T
Meta-Analysis Body Weight Green Tea Obesity
The research carried out was a systematic review of randomized controlled trials that focused on women with polycystic ovary syndrome, examining the effects of green tea supplementation versus a placebo. Relevant studies were sourced from electronic databases such as MEDLINE via PubMed, EMBASE via Elsevier, Cochrane Library, LILACS via BVS, and Web of Science using specific terms related to the illness and green tea. Criteria for the evaluation included effects on body weight, fasting insulin, body mass index, body fat percentage, daily caloric intake, waist and hip circumference, and the waist/hip ratio.
Among the studies considered, there were a total of 169 women, with 85 allocated to the green tea group and 84 to the placebo group. It became apparent that there was a significant reduction in body weight for the group that received green tea supplementation. This leans towards the potential of green tea to be beneficial in the management of this syndrome.
Green tea and its chief bioactive component have the potential to improve certain female reproductive disorders such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and dysmenorrhea.
2021 Molecules Beneficial Effects of Green Tea Catechins on Female Reproductive Disorders: A Review Kamal DAM, Salamt N, Zaid SSM, Mokhtar MH
Review Article Endometriosis Female Reproductive Disorders Green Tea
The study reviews the beneficial effects of green tea and its major bioactive component on female reproductive disorders, focusing on endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and dysmenorrhea. The research highlights the role of catechins, phenolic compounds found in tea, which have been known for their health benefits due to their high antioxidative properties. The green tea or its derivative works on endometriosis through anti-angiogenic, anti-fibrotic, anti-proliferative, and proapoptotic mechanisms.
In the discussion of results, it was found that green tea not only enhances ovulation and reduces cyst formation in PCOS, but it also ameliorates generalised hyperalgesia, reduces plasma corticosterone levels, and mitigates uterine contractility in dysmenorrhea. Despite the promising findings, the study acknowledges the need for more comprehensive clinical trials to fully translate these findings into clinical practice.
Consumption of green tea enriched with a citrus polyphenol, α-glucosyl hesperidin, can prevent weight gain and reduce body mass index, especially in individuals under 50 years.
2021 Scientific Reports The combined effect of green tea and α-glucosyl hesperidin in preventing obesity: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial Yoshitomi R, Yamamoto M, Kumazoe M, Fujimura Y, Yonekura M, Shimamoto Y, et al.
Clinical Study EGCG Green Tea Obesity
The research involved a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, and parallel-group-designed clinical trial. Sixty healthy Japanese men and women aged between 30 and 75 were included in the study. They were instructed to consume a blend of green tea and α-glucosyl hesperidin (GT-gH). Each dosage contained 178 mg α-glucosyl hesperidin and 146 mg of an active ingredient of green tea, called EGCG. This protocol was followed for 12 weeks. Participants underwent physical, hematological, blood biochemical, and urine examinations to ensure safety.
Discussion of findings showed that the GT-gH mixture played a significant role in weight management. By the end of 12 weeks, participants who consumed the GT-gH mix showed prevention in weight gain and a reduction in body mass index when compared to the control group. The anti-obesity effect was particularly observable in individuals aged below 50. These participants experienced lower levels of triglyceride, body fat percentage, and visceral fat levels, alongside a decrease in body weight, BMI, and blood LDL/HDL ratios.
Green tea, coffee, wine, and curry have beneficial health effects due to the polyphenols they contain, which possess both antioxidant and pro-oxidant properties.
2021 Molecules The Beneficial Effects of Principal Polyphenols from Green Tea, Coffee, Wine, and Curry on Obesity Ohishi T, Fukutomi R, Shoji Y, Goto S, Isemura M
Review Article Anticancer Antioxidant Curry
The research leverages epidemiological studies, clinical trials, cell-based studies and animal tests to examine the effects of green tea, coffee, wine, and curry -- and their key polyphenols -- on human health. The polyphenols investigated include epigallocatechin gallate in green tea, chlorogenic acid in coffee, resveratrol in wine, and curcumin in curry. The study concentrates on the workings of these polyphenols, primarily focusing on reactive oxygen species (ROS), and how they perform both anti- and pro-oxidant functions, fundamentally influencing different enzymes and factors with health contributions.
In the discussion of the results, it is mentioned that the anti-oxidative actions of these polyphenols assist in the scavenging of ROS and the downregulation of the nuclear factor-κB, yielding beneficial anti-inflammatory effects. Conversely, their pro-oxidant actions appear to elevate ROS production, encouraging the activation of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase that regulates different enzymes and factors for health improvement. However, the exact mechanism of how these polyphenols exhibit either pro- or anti-oxidant effects remains unclear. Also, the research underscores that while many studies note their health benefits, some others show no positive effects on health conditions such as obesity, suggesting that outcomes could be influenced by various study factors.
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